
The pulsating heart of ‘Iris, the  Art of  Joy’, is reflected in Alexia, the founder of this initiative. Since her calling on 16th May 2009, she has been serving her Vision of empowering Young People to become Global Active Citizens who care, with great enthusiasm and stamina. She has named it: ‘Sparkles in Young People’s Eyes’ and has, since then, had many friends and strangers even, offer their time and skills on a voluntary basis to make it all happen. Alexia clearly sees the day when all of our eyes, especially those of our Children, will sparkle!  She says:

“The sparkles will come from inside us, where the flame of ‘Concrete Hope’ will once again ignite, because we will have re-membered how to dream and go where we are not able to reach, beyond our limits. Let us not forget that it is our Children that keep the torch of Humanity alight”.

The Seven Paths That Lead to the Sparkle

Seven paths join in one big Sparkle. Each path unfolds and materializes through actions that despite seeming like baby steps, all together lead to the manifestation of the Vision:
  1. The creation of volunteer teams made up of young people. Such teams activate and empower them.
  2. The inauguration of a School of Self-Leadership, where young people are taught ‘inner technology’ skills and the art of becoming the Architects of their own reality, in a holistic way, cojoining Body, Mind and Soul.
  3. The identification and activation of “Sparkles” – men or women that are live examples of determination and courage and that have gone far “Beyond their Limits”.
  4. Teachings that lead to the fruition of Dreams, instilled with the feeling of being a soaring Eagle.
  5. Cultivation of Panoramic Vision for the Young, allowing one to recognize the abundant nature of life and see the infinite options that lie permanently at their feet.
  6. Practices that teach people how to tell a good story, their own personal story through communication that comes from the depths of the heart, such as circles with a talking piece («Κύκλος» – Way of Council»), non-violent communication and others. This site’s blog is dedicated to being the platform for young people’s Wise stories.
  7. The creation of an Academy of Art and Crafts, that cares for and encourages the development of the many creative young people that are great at using their “hands” and who have a passion for and natural leaning towards occupations such as: plant and animal whispering, alternative and self-therapy, electrician services, hairdressing, production of natural essential oils, carpentry, musical instrument making, iconography, dance, sculpture and more …  Τuition would be almost free and the entry exams would be based on a demonstration of each candidate’s passion for her/his chosen art or craft.