
The initiative of “Iris, the art of joy” was created to symbolize Αlexia’s Vision ‘Sparkles in Young People’s Eyes’.

Iris (Irida): is a Greek word linked to light. In fact, the iris of our eye determines the quantity of light that enters our eye, therefore contributing to a significant extent to how we perceive the world around us. A panoramic view of the world allows us to see the infinite possibilities that lie permanently at our feet.

A powerful light-force, as forceful as a storm, the winged goddess Iris, symbolized the female messenger of Zeus, the carrier of messengers from the gods to the humans. Artists in Ancient Greece used to depict Iris with golden wings on her heels, holding a talking piece. Her mother, Electra, connects Iris with sunlight and its flow towards Mother Earth, whereas her father, Thavmas (Θαύμας), connects her with the creation of miracles. So in a sense Iris symbolizes the light force of inspiration and enthusiasm and that of the fruition of all that we dream of.

Iris (Irida) is the Greek word for ‘rainbow’ -the natural phenomenon that joins Earth and Sky (Heaven), in a continuous flow of energy. The seven colours of the rainbow as a result of the diffusion of light join up in one: White Light. The curving of Irida, the rainbow, may remind us of a pregnant belly, the breath of new life and a continuous metamorphosis. It also symbolizes the expression of human courage that goes beyond limits and that makes dreams come true, gaining that beautiful, glowing ‘Sparkle in the Eyes’!!