Back to the Future

I have noticed, like most of us, that the whole of Humanity is at a turning point. We are already in the next Age.
The ‘Age of Meeting Ourselves Again’. Let me explain …

“In order to thrive, we need to seek out the values of our ancestors, those who lived many centuries ago. We need to ‘re-member’. We are all called upon at a personal and at a collective level to go ‘within’ and from getting to know ourselves in a deeper level to make critical choices for our future. These critical choices relate to the battle of the ‘old way of thinking’ with the new one’ (from my new book ‘Speak Your Truth and Lead’). And here, I wish to make a strong case for the positive side of our circumstances, since looking at it from a fear-based perspective only reduces the ability of our immune system to cope with it and spirals us collectively into even more fear.

The ‘new way of thinking’ – which is in fact very, very old – has its foundations, in Truth, Love and Freedom. In the ‘new way of thinking’:

We can ‘Be’ more, rather than ‘do’ more. The slowing down of our working patterns, is allowing more space for us to look inside of us: “what are my fears?”, “what is it that I already have and I am grateful for?”, “what could I create during this spare time, that I always wanted to create and that I haven’t had the time to create?”, “what is it that I do not need in my house?, in my relationships?”, “what do I really desire?”, “Am I really following the singing of my Soul or am I carried away by the rat race?”, “when I act, do I do it out of fear or out of love?”, “can I forgive myself?, “can I forgive others?”.

There are no real borders. We are not as different from each other as we might have thought. Even Trump is untouchable! We will be ‘re-inventing’ new ways to deal with the issues that rise within us, carefully balancing that we maintain our humanity? We will be ‘re-membering’ again how to truly come closer and nurture each other. Families are ‘re-turning’ to what families used to look like. Meals around the table; Parents fully present, actively listening to their children. Virtually connecting through collective thinking and prayers.

Technology can be better-harnessed in making our lives more flexible: tele-working, flexible hour-working, online supermarket buying.

Technology can be used to forge more authentic connections between one another: video calling people in isolation, especially sick and elderly, lifting spirits up of global communities through online teachings.

New ways of spending our free time, closer to Nature, our nature. There is only so much Netflix that we can stomach! I was up so I thought, my ‘secret’ mountain yesterday, where normally I would seldom meet people and to my surprise there were all sorts of small groups milling around its slopes.

The challenge of remaining Present and noticing our thoughts and emotions and then talking ourselves out of what we fear most, will build up our resilience and give us the understanding, in a very practical way that we can choose our thoughts and therefore our emotions. We are free to choose! Think of Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned for 28+ years. His Spirit remained free. So can we!

For those of us who are lucky enough to be able to work from home, we will begin to realize how many double or triple material goods we have or that we have never used. While having more free time, we will not only discover spider webs in the dark corners of our closets, but also forgotten objects … We may think and wonder: “What a waste!”, “Why such an insatiable desire for ‘things’?”. The images that are now coming to us more regularly than ever before from the other corners of the Planet may remind us how fortunate we are: “If you have food in your fridge, wear clothes on your back, have a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in, you are richer than the other 75 % on the Planet. If you have money in the bank and little change in your wallet, you are amongst the 8% of the richest people in the world!”. I only recently realized that 21,000 people die of hunger every day! This current, unprecedented change to our lives, will guide us towards a more minimalistic attitude towards the consumption of resources, limiting ourselves to those needed to live in a dignified manner. Our Planet is an abundant planet, as long as each one of us consumes exactly what one needs and nothing more! If we look around us carefully, we will see the seeds of a new awakening: our need to strive towards an equilibrium in resource consumption and a more egalitarian system where all humans are equal. It may take some decades more to manifest, but the stirring of the ‘pot’ has now begun!

We will soon re-discover new energy resources and realize that our Planet is a generous place and has many more gifts to offer, as long as we respect it. The renowned physicist Nassim Haramein, explains that the scientific discoveries of controlling gravity and that of plasma energy, will be part of our lives, not in 50 years from now, but in 10 years!! So be prepared to be flying around the place! Cars will all be in the air and as he puts it, “Earth will return to Earth again”, since many of our structures will no longer burden Her surface. Click here to view his extraordinary interview which gives so much hope and a glimpse to a much brighter future.

I most definitely want to be around for these years to come. Change moves us on and pushes up our evolution ladder! So, let us stretch deep inside of us and re-discover our excitement for life.

We can choose to have faith that God, the Universe, Spirit is all for us and so is everybody else! Let us focus our energy to ‘Spring’ into action and re-turn to being creators again.

Let us also be practical about how we can help ourselves boost our physical immunity and then by helping ourselves first, we can be of better help to others around us. In this link here, I have put together some practical tips of natural ways to boost your immunity.


Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels

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