The album

I absolutely adore looking at photographs, ever since I was little! They are a part of myself and every one of them hides a story behind it. I like looking at them and reliving the moments, remembering the conversations, the emotions, the people, the aromas, places …

Not so long ago I had gone to a festival and I had slept over with my friends at the local campsite. One evening I did not want to sleep too early, but instead I wanted to enjoy the summer evening and joined our next “door” neighbours for a drink.  We where philosophising about life, when the older of the two said: “You know, the most beautiful moments in life do not exist in photographs!”. At that moment, I thought to myself that his comment was rather “cliché”/banal and then thought nothing more of it. The evening went on with us talking, until we finally fell asleep. 

The next day, having returned back home, I wanted to have a look at the photos we took over the three day holiday. The first thing I noticed was that I did not have a single photograph from the previous evening with the neighbours, nor from the live concert. And then of course it dawned on me … the commonplace phrase that neighbour used about the photographs, was not so commonplace after all!

That day I realised that the memories I have, are by far the nicest photographs that I could store away. I got thinking that it might be better if instead of constantly running around with my smartphone or a camera trying to take as many photographs as possible, it may be better if I collect as many special memories as possible.

Of course, I still love the photographs I take and still smile in front of the camera, but I now give more importance to truly living the worthwhile moments that life gives me and filling the “albums of my memories”.

Mary Kaloxristiannaki (22).

She states to be a beer lover and that of life. Her life philosophy: “You only live once”.