What is in a hug?

There are times when not all the expressions of a personal nature fill your soul.

You do not feel communication to be as deep and as meaningful as you might have liked.

It took me a long time to figure this out … and maybe I didn’t have to go through a very painful experience to gain access to such simple knowledge.

I was observing the people who were approaching me to greet me and express their condolence for my loss.

Others saluted me with the usual handshake, whispering the typical words used in such an occasion.
Others came close up to kiss me on the cheeks, using once again the same typical words.

Others, without speaking, nor crying, patiently awaited their turn and then when it finally came, they stared into my eyes and immediately offered me a heartfelt, generous hug. And they stayed there for quite a few seconds. Without saying not one single word …

Their soul was talking, straight into my soul! They were penetrating into my body and I into theirs, allowing me to draw on the strength and courage that their soul wanted to give to mine.

When we greet someone, we keep a distance. When we kiss each other on the cheeks, we get closer and even here we have some reservations.
But when we embrace, we give a piece of our soul to the other.
We share emotions, we share humanity, we share the sensitive aspects of our own personality. We ‘hear’ the sound of our fellow-being’s soul.
We give each other strength.
We sweeten our hearts.
We declare that we are present!
What could be more beautiful than that?

How much more beautiful can it get than when you embrace your friend, your brother, the immigrant who has no dream of a better life, the person who listened to you at a difficult time, the random passer-by that happened to be there when YOU felt that you were happy?
What is sweeter than accepting a hug when you feel lonely or unhappy?

How much more fulfilling life is when you embrace your beloved pet, the sacred tree standing in your yard or even in your flower pot, your favorite object that only with the outpouring of your love you grant life to it, you give it a soul.

Think about what young children do with their soft toys. They talk to them and hug them as if they are living creatures. They give them life and share with them their happiness.

Embrace the world around you!
You have many reasons to embrace the people around you.
Transmit to them your own happiness for meeting them.
Let them know that you are there for them at every pleasant or unpleasant moment.

Tell them that you love them, without uttering a single word!


#embrace #love #hug #communication #expression #joy

Nikos Psychogios, Engineer–teacher in secondary education. His favorite phrase: «There is always time for the beings we love and the things we love doing».

Photo by Trinity Kubassek from Pexels