Natural immune system boosters

Here, I share some ideas that I have found useful for myself. They may seem a little disorderly … then again, there is no real separation between Body-Heart-Mind-Spirit, is there?

– First and utmost I have made a decision that I would rather die than live my life in fear. So, I repeatedly recite: “I choose to be free. I always have a choice. My Spirit will remain free!”. Here is a beautiful invocation to Mnemosyne related to Freedom. Mnemosyne was the mother of the nine Muses, in Greek mythology. Her name means ‘remembrance’. You can scroll at the bottom of the page where the translations are:

-Go for a stroll (on your own, for now … ) or sit on a bench in the sun. Sun-therapy is for me top of my list!

-I exercise: I like running outdoors or when I need to stay in, I put on my favourite yoga instructor Adrien, on you tube: … and recently I tried out another fun way of exercising and learning some cool dance steps at the same time!

-I set an intention for the day ahead and repeat it to myself after breakfast to make sure it ‘sticks’.

-I keep repeating mantras such as: “I do not worry for tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself”, “I do not worry for things that I have no control over”, “I trust that the Universe has my back. Whatever happens will be for the better of me”, “I have survived worst things than this and have always came out the other side in an even better shape!”.

-I pray regularly usually every morning and sometimes during the day also. If praying does not suit you, you could try focusing your thoughts on envisaging a better world future. You may not realize, but thoughts are energy and by doing so you are definitely contributing in lifting the vibration of our Planet. Every little helps and goes a long way! Some ideas on this you can find in this past blog post by clicking here.

Meditation. This is an especially great time to practice meditation. Maybe in turns … if you are a family with many excited children running around. Make sure that during meditation you do not feel a floating sensation and that you remain grounded. If you do feel as if you are hovering above ground level, it is best to stop meditating until you  can practice it under the guidance of a qualified meditation instructor.

Go creative. I absolutely enjoy painting! We all have a creative side, this can be cooking, pottering in the garden, DIYing in the house, taking online singing lessons. You name it! This is an opportunity to re-discover yourself and I promise you … all of your cells in your body will start smiling!

-I love starting my day by drinking a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon. Vitamin C, hydration and a great ‘inner-cleanser’, all in one! Since I mention drinks, warm herbal teas, if you like them can be really great immune boosters, especially: sage (not for those of you with high blood pressure), oregano (a natural antibiotic), thyme, licorice, ginger and any local herbs that you may have access to. Just make sure you do not get hooked up on one flavour only, as you may overdose on the ingredient within this herbal tea that when drinking it in balance, it would normally do you good.

-I gave my TV away more than 10 years ago and that has been a great immune booster. I am still sufficiently well informed, only glancing at the headlines once in a while online. I also have faith that if I need to know something, somehow it will reach my ears. This has kept me safe up until now and much less stressed. So, limiting your exposure to the news by consciously choosing what and when you need to know about events and from which source, is a healthy approach to our fast paced life.

-This is a good one, especially if you are living on your own. The idea came from Bracha, the well known astrologer and teacher, on one of her live streaming sessions. You can hug yourself or a tree or your favourite teddy bear. This increases our happy hormones and awakens our chi energy. My teddy bear is Ojo these days (see the photo above). She is bright orange – just like our future will be bright! And I was told by a friend that her name means ‘pay attention’, in Spanish!

-Sooth, stroke your stomach area (solar plexus), where fear often resides. It makes it melt away … Also, here you will find a practical short talk by Eckhart Tolle, “How Do I Handle the Fear That I’m Feeling?”.

-Say “All Izz well”. A slogan I borrowed from a brilliant Indian movie “The three idiots” (make sure you get subtitles, if Indian is not your language). This is a movie of courage and hope, showing how three engineering students survive a very austere educational system. It may seem to be just another Bollywood film, but in fact, it is a high quality movie, with many bright messages and lots of laughter. There are scenes however which are quite ‘harsh’, so I would not advise children under 15 to watch it.

-If movies is not your thing, you can find my own recommendations on books, here.

-Listen to happy music. My favourite is Jason Mraz and a song that suits the season is … ‘Love Is Still The Answer’ …

Also, as there are no borders any more, I thought I would share this one too – one of my loved ones! – ‘Guantanamera – Playing for Change’:

This one from India, that reminds us that all is an illusion … Sanskrit Song by sweet ‘Gaia Sanskrit’.

One from Greece with a beautiful wish for us all to become bright stars, to light up the way for others, by Maravegias.

And this one … (stop me or I will give you my whole playlists of favourites 🙂  ‘We Found Love in a hopeless place

Please feel free to add your favourite uplifting tunes in the comment box below this blog post!

– Find the middle way! Balance. A useful way of putting your life in perspective and quickly increasing your vibration is by asking yourself: “What am I grateful for?”. Here is a wonderful TED Talk by Brother David Steindl-Rast, on how exactly to do this authentically.

– And my own little gratitude practice goes like this:
Make notes on a piece of paper, or in your beautiful notebook, of five things, or moments, or people’s actions or words, that you are truly grateful for in this day. It is best to do this just before you go to bed at night. This places you in a happy state before going to bed, diluting your stressful thoughts. Also, your first morning thought will be a positive one. When you do this for 21 consecutive days, it will become a new empowering habit and you will find yourself practicing grateful living. You will be back into the flow of life again (excerpt from my book: ‘Speak Your Truth and Lead’).

– I have always found that to maintain my vibration high, it is also important I remain present while being around people that love nagging or criticizing or asking me to do things for them all the time. These, I find are people that drain my energy and until which time I find a way of enjoying everybody’s company in a sense of equanimity, I try to limit my exposure to them.

-For those of us that are having to share the same space with the rest of the family, it is for sure a wonderful opportunity for getting to know each other better. Sometimes however, it can certainly get a little electric! And this is where the principles of non-violent communication can be a “life saver” for relationships. Here you can find an older blog post: “So, finally, who is right?”, with examples, ideas and resources for learning how to express ourselves more compassionately and listen from our heart.

-And one last thing that works for me especially on days I feel a little weary or ready to ‘go down with something’ is this: Place your feet in a bowl of lukewarm water. You could put some bath salts, or even essential oils and gently, slowly keep pouring boiling water until you can bear the temperature. You can do this for 15 minutes. This will increase your resistance to viruses, as it alerts your body to wake up and fight. It also makes you feel more energetic.

So, there you go! I know this has been a really chaotic list of tips on boosting your immune system. Then again isn’t our Universe chaotic and simultaneously interconnected? Do we not, as a part of the Universe reflect this chaos and interconnection? Body-Soul-Heart-Mind … are all ONE. Don’t you agree?

Please feel free to add your own suggestions in the box below or send me an email at . Your suggestions will help make all of our lives healthier, happier!



Copyright, 2020, Alexia Mary Tzortzaki

#immune #boosttheimmune #coronavirus #psychology #positivethoughts #artofjoy #joy 

… the photo is that of Ojo the teddy bear : -)

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Comments 2

  1. Cheryl
    23 March 2020

    Use the precious time during quarantine to finish the book that you always want to read or cook dishes that you never had tried before or just simply meditate and relax. It’s an opportunity to talk to your inner self.

    It’s okay to be worried sometimes, but don’t panic.

    Stay positive. Stay healthy.

    1. 3 April 2020

      Thank you dear Cheryl, for always being so responsive to our ideas and for coloring them with your own positive stance towards life!

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